Welcome to the Spring 2024
LG Innovation Seminar

Learn all about LG's newest models by watching the video below.
You can view the video in 1080P.
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Scan this QR code to watch the training on your phone instead.
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You could WIN!

After viewing the video, be sure to fill out the survey for your chance to win big! Participating in our grand prize draws grants you the opportunity to snag one of three A927KGMS CordZero® stick vacuums, each valued at $849.99!

The contest is live from April 22nd to May 24th.
Having trouble loading the survey on the work computer due to firewalls?
Scan this QR code to complete the survey on your phone instead.

Check out our Lab Videos

Here are some additional videos that go further in depth into some of the innovations that were covered in this years spring innovation seminar